How to Create a Blog Auto Reload

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It is said that one way to increase page rank blog is to install scripts Reload Otomatic on the blog. This script works for me to load or reload or refresh if you use the IE blog page automatically, so his name will not automatically want to go out alone without orders.

Although, according to my assessment of how this is legal but to me this way visitors will be a little inconvenient, and may be less visitors, why is that? My analysis as a newbie here, visitors will not stay long to visit the blog is not easy to navigate, or if my own language is not easy to navigate.

Weight loss makes only a browser, "in Mozilla Firefox can be stopped with a right-click and then click stop ..??" yes it's for those who often surfs Mozilla. Whether for the first time using the Internet and want to learn from our article how, what do not pity? Because usually (personal experience), new visitors like this are usually routinely open our blog.

Please copy this code below and put it before the code <head>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="300"/> 

The text in red is a number automatically reload duration in minutes, this figure can be changed as desired. 

300 minutes: 60 seconds = 5 minutes, so the script above will reload automatically 5 minutes.

Hopefully Helpful
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